Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy

Other legal documents: Terms & Conditions, Intellectual Property, Limited Warranty, Cookie Policy, Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy, Promotions.

PXG, and its affiliates and employees do not accept, review, or consider any unsolicited ideas, designs, materials, proposals, works, artwork, content or the like, including for products, promotions, prototypes, services, technologies, product enhancements, processes, advertising campaigns, marketing strategies, product names, content or creative materials (all of the foregoing “submissions”). Accordingly, please do not send or provide any submissions in any form to PXG or any of its affiliates or employees. The purpose of this policy is to avoid potential misunderstandings or disputes if PXG’s products, promotions, services, technologies, processes, advertising campaigns, marketing strategies, product names, content or creative materials may seem similar to submissions sent or provided to PXG.

However, if you still send or provide your submission to PXG despite PXG's request that you do not submit it then regardless of what your correspondence says, you agree to the following terms: (1) PXG has no obligation to review the submission and its contents; (2) PXG has no obligation to keep the submission and its contents confidential; and (3) PXG may use or redistribute the submission and its contents for any purpose and in any way on an unrestricted basis.