Sunriver Resort

    Destination Resort

    "Sunriver Resort is extremely excited to partner with PXG by offering PXG rental golf clubs exclusively to our members and guests. PXG is our choice at Sunriver because we take great pride in providing the best customer service, golf course conditions, and golf equipment imaginable."

    – Joshua Willis, PGA, Director of Operations

  • PXG

    Lone Tree Golf Club

    Public Golf Course

    "We’ve had people decide not to bring their own clubs on vacation when they learn we have PXG rental sets available. It’s also been a tremendous way for people to try PXG clubs on the course, in a real golf situation. The feedback has been 100 percent positive, specifically the irons and wedges."

    – Greg Avant, 2019 SWPGA Golf Professional of the Year and Head Golf Professional

  • PXG

    Newport Indoor Golf

    Indoor Hitting Facility

    “For our facility, it gives our customers the best opportunity to test the highest level of clubs at a rental rate. We believe our premium brand at Newport Indoor Golf deserved a premium rental opportunity for any and all customers to test.”

    – Max Buerman, Founder of Newport Indoor Golf

  • Sunriver Resort
  • Lone Tree Golf Club
  • Newport Indoor Golf

Schedule a Fitting Today!

PXG Rental Sets are built to standard specs – accommodating a wide variety of golfers. Enhance the performance of your PXG golf clubs and get professionally fitted at any PXG Store.

Feel the Sexiness of a Fully Tailored Set of Pxg Clubs

Make an appointment to get fitted in person or over the phone. Contact 1.844.PLAY.PXG or click below for PXG Fitting Locations.